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Man as the animals

The human instinct concealed by false values ​​abstract and unreal.   With this brief treatise ethological, psychological and sociological I tried to understand some fundamental aspects of human behavior, for myself, in the belief that the supreme skill [...]
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True or false? That is the question!

Who does not know the famous coral snake? If not in person, more or less all we have seen in movies or documentaries and with its beautiful colors does not go unnoticed. But maybe you happen to see one in any pet store, or exhibition of reptiles or even a friend's house. Well, in this case I doubt [...]
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Italian law arachnids

Do not ask us live spiders to sell: in Italy is forbidden to hold them and trade them (Italian Decree Law 159/2003). 1. Are considered potentially dangerous for the safety and public health all live specimens of wild arachnids, or from reproductions in captivity, which may cause, by their [...]
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Rhynchophorus ferrugineus

This Curculionidae originates in Southeast Asia and Melanesia, where he is responsible for serious damage to crops of Cocos nucifera. As a result of trade in specimens of the species has infested palms reached in the eighties the UAE and from there it spread in the Middle East and in almost every country [...]
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the origin of life on Earth

Life, as we know, this is due to monophyletic or polyphyletic evolution, is a unique event, however, and above all never to be repeated on this planet. (an article by Cristiano Cascioli). [...]
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When the sky fall down

METEORS OR SHOOTING STARS. How many people in the tepid nights od August didn't look at the sky, probably with the help of a deck-chair and a binoculars, to hunt any shooting starsi? Who don't know the famous night of S. Lorenzo, when a unexpected bright  track in [...]
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The secret of the zombies

We don't reveal you the particulars... We sayonly that the leggend of zombies has a principle of scientific true... and you'll discover all that is necessary on the ball-fish and on a molecule called tetradotoxine! (an article by Sabrina Mancinelli) [...]
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Crystaltherapy yesterday and today

Here is a little guide to Crystaltherapy from the origin since today, with the different modalities to utilize the crystals, a table with the material and spiritual "terapeutic" proprieties of the various minerals and a section on the stones of zodiacal signes. After reading, [...]
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Guide to entomological preparation

We have tried to summarize in this short guide what we have learned from personal experience, with nothing to deprive texts more serious and complete that could be marked. Our aim, therefore, is only to provide useful tips for the beginner who wants to try his hand in the preparations entomological, [...]
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R as Reptiles, D as Dynosaurs

The intent of this article is to give a complete vision about the by now familiar concept of "dinosaur", without to repeat the usual notions as, for example: "how agile and fast was Tyrannosaurus rex" or "how work the bony plates of Stegosaurus", but to tempt [...]
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