The prices of items in the catalogues are V.A.T. included except the offers.
The payment of items is made only in advance by: Paypal, Credit Card and bank transfer on bank account.
Transfers from foreign countries and payments with currencies other than the euro are not accepted in the most categorical way.
We attend to offer you more options as much as possible, but you are requested to not use other kinds of payment besides these modalities.
We don't dispatch any order relating to a total ammount lower 20.00 euro (postage not included).
After your order, as soon as possible you'll receive by e-mail confirm of availability, the total amount of you order postage included, and all the informations about the conditions of payment selected.
In the eventuality we receive any mail or payment within 10 days the confirmation of an order from a customer, the goods go back available for the other client.
If you are in hurry to receive the requested items (for presents, shows, holidays, etc.), we pray you to very anticipe your orders, also owing to possible delay in the delivery not dependent on our will.
The method of payment (see above) may have great importance in delivery times, since the delivery of goods according to the notification of payment. Eg. the communication of payments to our account on-line made by bank transfer or postal order, we receive it a few days late than the day of payment, and we wait for it to proceed with the shipment of goods. The faster payment methods are: Postepay, Paypal and credit cards, which are communicated to us in near real time.
So as to avoid misunderstandings or petty discussions, we remember you one last time that we don’t sell essential goods, and so we aren’t able to beat records not interestying for us.
To avoid possible miscarriages in case of coincidence of names or identical ammounts, we pray you to give us notice by e-mail of the date of your payment.
If, cause mistake or other reason, the payment executed results partial or incomplete (for ex. for omission of forwarding charges), the amount, after 30 days, will be return to sender deducted the postal expences.