![]() Advanced SearchCat: collections and books 131,50€ 63,00€ Ony 5.50 Euro Insect ! Collection 10 Tropical Insects with Books... Cat: entomological kits 89,50€ 45,00€ Collectible and School Kit for kids and amateurs to mount yourselves... Cat: entomological kits 109,80€ 49,00€ Collectible and School Kit for kids an amateurs to mount yourselves... Cat: entomological kits 137,50€ 57,00€ Collectible and School Kit for kids and amateurs to mount yourselves... Cat: Carabidae 4,50€ Abax parallelepipedus cm 1.6-1.9 Insect Coleopter Ground Beetle... Cat: Homoptera (cicades) 4,90€ Acanalonia conica cm 1-1.2 Insect Cicada Hemipterus Rhynchota ... Cat: butterflies night nocturnal moths 6,50€ Acronycta (Triaena) cuspis one wing lenght cm 1.8-2 Insect Nocturnal... Cat: other coleopters 5,50€ Adelocera murina cm 1-1.7Insect Coleopter Click Beetle Snapping... Cat: Nematocera (mosquitos) 4,80€ Aedes albopictus mm 3-4 Insect Mosquito Mosquitoe Small Little Fly... Cat: Nematocera (mosquitos) 4,80€ 3,90€ Aedes albopictus mm 3-4 Insect Mosquito Mosquitoe Small Little Fly... Cat: Heteroptera (bugs) 5,40€ Aelia acuminata mm 8-9 Insect Awl Shield Stink Bug Hemipterus... Cat: other coleopters 5,70€ Agabus bipustulatus mm 9-11 Insect Coleopter Water Tiger Predaceous... Cat: Cerambycidae 5,50€ Agapanthia cardui mm 6-7 Insect Coleopter Longhorn Beetle,... Cat: Carabidae 3,90€ Agonum moestum mm 7-8 Insect Coleopter Ground Beetle Carabid ... Cat: butterflies night nocturnal moths 16,50€ Agrius convolvuli one wing lenght cm 4-6 Insect Night Butterfly... Cat: butterflies night nocturnal moths 4,90€ Agrotis ipsilon one wing lenght cm 1.7-2.5 Insect Nocturnal Butterfly... Cat: Caelifera (locusts) 6,50€ Aiolopus strepens cm 2-2.5 Insect Locust Short-Horned Grasshopper... Cat: other coleopters 6,80€ Akis bacarozzo cm 1.7-2 Insect Coleopter Darkling Comb-Clawed Beetle... Cat: Carabidae 4,50€ Amara aenea mm 6-9 Insect Coleopter Ground Beetle Carabid Cat: Melolonthinae 5,40€ Amphimallon assimile cm 1.3-1.5 Insect Coleopter Scarab Beetle... Cat: Melolonthinae 5,40€ Amphimallon burmeisteri cm 1.2-1.4 Insect Coleopter Scarab Beetle... Cat: Melolonthinae 5,50€ Amphimallon solstitiale cm 1.4-1.6 Insect Coleopter Scarab Beetle... Cat: Caelifera (locusts) 9,90€ Anacridium aegyptium cm 7-7.5 Insect Locust Short-Horned... Cat: other imenopters 1,50€ Andricus quercustozae Oak Gall Cecidium cm 2.5-3.5 Wasp Insect... Cat: Rutelinae 5,90€ Anomala vitis cupreonitens cm 1.2-1.6 Insect Coleopter Scarab Beetle... Cat: Geotrupinae 4,90€ Anoplotrupes stercorosus cm 1.5-1.8 Cat: Buprestidae 5,90€ Anthaxia hungarica mm 4-6 Insect Coleopter Jewel Beetle or Metallic... Cat: Buprestidae 5,70€ Anthaxia nitidula mm 4-5 Insect Coleopter Jewel Beetle or Metallic... Cat: Pieridae 12,90€ Anthocharis cardamines one wing lenght cm 1.7-2 Insect Butterfly... Cat: Scarabaeinae 5,40€ Aphodius fossor mm 9-11 Insect Coleopter Scarab True Dung Beetle... |
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