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Cat: geodes
Agate Geode (4) Crystals Raw Minerals Stones Rocks Collecting

Agate Small Geode cut into two halves 45 gr in total mm 65 x 32 x 23...

Cat: geodes
Agate Geode (5) Crystals Raw Minerals Stones Rocks Collecting

Agate Small Geode cut into two halves   48.4 gr in total mm 47 x...

Cat: large size tumbled stone pendants
Agate Large Pendant (1) Costume Jewerly Necklaces Worked Tumbled Stones Minerals Crystaltherapy

Agate Large Pendant 35 gr - mm 55 x 34 x 8 Costume Jewerly Necklaces...

Cat: large size tumbled stone pendants
Agate Large Pendant (2) Costume Jewerly Necklaces Worked Tumbled Stones Minerals Crystaltherapy

Agate Blue Large Pendant 31.7 gr - mm 55 x 55 x 5 Costume Jewerly...

Cat: large size tumbled stone pendants
Agate Large Pendant (3) Costume Jewerly Necklaces Worked Tumbled Stones Minerals Crystaltherapy

Large Pink Agate Pendant 21 gr - mm 53 x 33 x 8 Costume Jewerly...

Cat: large size tumbled stone pendants
Agate Large Pendant (4) Costume Jewerly Necklaces Worked Tumbled Stones Minerals Crystaltherapy

Agate Large Pendant 36.1 gr - mm 65 x 45 x 7 Costume Jewerly...

Cat: large size tumbled stone pendants
Agate Large Pendant (5) Costume Jewerly Necklaces Worked Tumbled Stones Minerals Crystaltherapy

Fire Agate Large Pendant 23.3 gr - mm 46 x 42 x 8 Costume Jewerly...

Cat: agata slices
Agate Large Slice (1) Worked Minerals Crystaltherapy

Large Agate Slice 183 gr mm 140 x 130 x 6 h Worked Minerals...

Cat: agata slices
Agate Large Slice (2) Worked Minerals Crystaltherapy

Large Agate Slice 230 gr mm 136 x 137 x 6 h Worked Minerals...

Cat: agata slices
Agate Large Slice (3) Worked Minerals Crystaltherapy

Large Agate Slice 261 gr mm 167 x 142 x 6 h Worked Minerals...

Cat: pyramids
Agate Pyramid (3) Tumbled Stones Worked Minerals Crystaltherapy

Blue Agate Pyramid  82 gr - cm 5 x 3.5 h Tumbled Stones Worked...

Cat: pyramids
Agate Pyramid (7) Tumbled Stones Worked Minerals Crystaltherapy

Green Agate Pyramid  98 gr - cm 5 x 4 h Tumbled Stones Worked...

Cat: pyramids
Agate Pyramid (8) Tumbled Stones Worked Minerals Crystaltherapy

Agate Pyramid  147 gr - cm 5.8 x 4.5 h Tumbled Stones Worked...

Cat: pyramids
Agate Pyramid (12) Tumbled Stones Worked Minerals Crystaltherapy

Agate Pyramid  121 gr - cm 5.6 x 4 h Tumbled Stones Worked...

Cat: pyramids
Agate Pyramid (14) Tumbled Stones Worked Minerals Crystaltherapy

Blue Agate Pyramid  200 gr - cm 6.5 x 5.2 h Tumbled Stones...

Cat: Carabidae
Agonum moestum Insect Coleopter Ground Beetle Carabid

Agonum moestum mm 7-8 Insect Coleopter Ground Beetle Carabid.

Cat: Nymphalidae
Agrias beata beatifica Insect Tropical Butterfly Nymphalid

Agrias beata beatifica one wing lenght cm 3-3.5 Insect Tropical...

Cat: Moths
Agrotis ipsilon Insect Nocturnal Butterfly Moth Noctuid

Agrotis ipsilon one wing lenght cm 1.7-2.5 Insect Nocturnal Butterfly...

Cat: Caelifera (locusts)
Aiolopus strepens Insect Locust Short-Horned Grasshopper Cricket Orthoptera Celiferous Acridid

Aiolopus strepens cm 2-2.5 Insect Locust Short-Horned Grasshopper...

Cat: other coleopters
Akis bacarozzo Insect Coleopter Darkling Beetle

Akis bacarozzo cm 1.7-2 Insect Coleopter Darkling Beetle. Family:...

Cat: ornaments and gadgets
65,00 55,00

Alabaster Ashtray cm 8.3 x 8.3 x 2 Worked Stones Minerals. Included...

Cat: crocodiles and turtles
Alligator Fossil Vertebra Crocodile Prehistoric Reptile Pleistocene Collection

Fossil Vertebra Alligator Prehistoric Crocodile 5 x 4.7 x 2.9 cm...

Cat: Dynastinae
Allomyrina (1) dichotomus tsunobosonus Tropical Insect Coleopter Scarab Rhinoceros Beetle

Allomyrina dichotomus tsunobosonus cm 5.5-6 Tropical Insect Coleopter...

Cat: Dynastinae
Allomyrina (2) dichotomus tsunobosonus Tropical Insect Coleopter Scarab Rhinoceros Beetle

Allomyrina dichotomus tsunobosonus cm 6.2-7 Tropical Insect Coleopter...

Cat: other gastropods
Amalda rubiginosa albocallosa (1) mm 46 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod Ancillas

Amalda rubiginosa albocallosa mm 46 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod...

Cat: other gastropods
Amalda rubiginosa albocallosa (2) mm 48 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod Ancillas

Amalda rubiginosa albocallosa mm 48 Seashell Sea Snail Gastropod...

Cat: Carabidae
Amara aenea Insect Coleopter Ground Beetle Carabid

Amara aenea mm 6-9 Insect Coleopter Ground Beetle Carabid.

Cat: tumbled weight
Amazonite 50 gr Tumbled Stones Worked Minerals Crystaltherapy

Amazonite 50 gr - 7-10 pieces Tumbled Stones Worked Minerals...

Cat: tumbled weight
125,00 85,40

Amazonite 500 gr - 70-90 pieces Tumbled Stones Worked Minerals...

Cat: one piece tumbled stones
Amazonite 1 Piece Tumbled Stones Worked Minerals Crystaltherapy

Amazonite one Piece 5-8 gr - cm 1.5-2.5 Tumbled Stones Worked...

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